Peetambra Peeth
Peetambra Peeth
Peetambra Peeth is the famous Shakti Peeth of the country. Sh.Golokwasi Swamiji Maharaj established "Bagla Mukhi Devi" and "Dhumavati Mai" at this place. Vankhandeshwar Temple at Peetambra Peeth is one of the Mahabharat-Kaleen Temple of Lord Shiva. In the same campus a lot of temples are established. How to reach: Pitambra Peeth is located at the entrance of Datia city. Datia railway station 3 Km from the Peetambra and Bus stand is located at the distance of 1 Km. Auto are available from the railway station and bus stand to reach Peetambra Peeth.
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